Startup Saturday

Decoding B2B Startups- The $1.4trillion Global Market

November 17, 2018, 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM


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Event Details

Headstart is back with one more interesting meetup on Decoding B2B Startups this November Edition.

Times have changed. Nearly 50 per cent of the 1000 start-ups India added in 2017 were in the B2B segment, up from 34 per cent last year, a new NASSCOM-Zinnov report on the 'Indian Start-up Ecosystem - Traversing the maturity cycle', found.

Enterprise tech (B2B), which was in favor in 2017, will continue to receive investor interest in 2018. As per a recent Nasscom-Zinnov report, the average funding for B2B startups in 2017 saw an increase of five percent, while B2C average funding saw a decline of 10 percent.

Enterprise tech also suits micro VC funds, given that it is more capital-efficient and exits are possible on a smaller scale. The next Indian unicorn will be from this space and will be self-sustaining.

This Startup Saturday get to know everything about B2B Startups and investment scenario in this space form the experts.

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