Mentoring Session for Women Entrepreneurs
July 29, 2017, 2:30 AM - 7:30 PM
The registration for this event has ended.
Event Details
WE@Headstart presents Mentoring Session for Women Entrepreneurs in Delhi- a unique opportunity for startups to be mentored by industry experts.
What are the pain points, challenges faced, motivation and aspiration for women entrepreneurs?
You can get all your thoughts cleared here and that too by mentors who are experts in your field. Grab the opportunity to learn more and grow faster!
July 29, 2017. You should be available in Delhi on this date if selected.
WOMEN Entrepreneurs who have:
- Early and growth stage ventures, preferably in their 1 - 3 years phase, are eligible to apply.
- A long running small business and looking to scale can also apply.
- Pure Idea Stage venture, should have done significant market research and should have clearly defined business model.
Headstart Network reserve the rights to modify the terms and selection criteria as per their discretion
Apply here: http://bit.ly/delhi_we
Contact Us
Name: Ajay/ Arushi
Email: arushijain9396@gmail.com / nidhiyarsnd@gmail.com
Phone: 9716626323/ 8378988088